Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Inspiration and Inerrancy of the Bible

Inspiration and Inerrancy of the Bible The Bible is a collection of books, inspired by God, to be used as God’s revelation of Himself to us. It is God’s doorway to declare his authority over his people. Authority of the Bible is established and/or comes from its own claims. The Old Testament uses the phrase â€Å"This is what the Lord says† enough times to give any reader the understanding that it is the word of God. Because the Bible is viewed as God’s Word it is the final word concerning all issues it speaks. Inspiration is the supernatural guidance of biblical writers by the Holy Spirit.There are different theories as to how God inspired the Bible. Verbal and Plenary inspiration are two theories held by many. These are similar in the belief that they believe the Holy Spirit’s influence was so intense that each word ended up being the exact word God wanted used. Verbal inspiration is more text oriented than author oriented while Plenary holds more to author oriented rather than text oriented. I hold to the belief once taught to me by Dr. Orr that â€Å"God is God, and therefore can do anything God wants; God inspired the Bible in his own way; thus the Bible turned out exactly as God intended it†.With this belief I do not try to prove how the Bible was inspired but rather stress the Biblical support of the theories. 2 Timothy 3:16 is one of the verses most used when proving inspiration in that it tells us that all scripture is from God. In 1 Corinthians 2:9-13 we are given Paul’s view to the process of inspiration. In this verse Paul explains that the spirit revealed the things God wanted them to know so that they may understand and write what was freely given to them. As Christians we view the Bible as inerrant.Inerrancy is the belief that what God inspired in the Bible is without error. In Numbers 23:19 we are taught that God cannot lie, if this is so and the Bible was inspired by God then we are indirectly gi ven support to and definition of inerrancy. There are five common arguments for and against inerrancy of the Bible. The weakest argument is the Slippery Slope Argument. It just states that if you stop believing in the inerrancy of the Bible than you will stop believing in the teachings and end up an unbeliever. Though this may happen to a few people this is not the usual.Christians can hold to their beliefs without holding to the belief that the Bible is inerrant. The Epistemological Argument is just as weak of an argument. It states that claims of belief can only be justified by believers if scripture is without error. It states that scripture must be beyond a doubt the truth. The problem with this is that a believer should not have to rely on the belief that all scripture is without error to feel that their claim of belief is justified. The Biblical Argument is a great way to defend inerrancy.In this argument it states that the Bible teaches of its own inerrancy. We can see one of these teachings in Matthew 5:17-20. The argument against this is very weak. It argues that the Bible does not teach inerrancy because nowhere does it directly say that the Bible is inerrant, without error. This to me in no way disproves the argument just argues for arguments sake. The last and strongest is the Historical Argument. This argument states that the bible is inerrant because it has been the belief of Christians throughout history.Throughout history Christianity has not fallen as many other beliefs and cultures have. No matter how hard disbelievers try to fight scripture it still stands and is believed by many. There are many famous historical theologians that can be used to defend the inerrancy of the Bible. The argument against this is weak in that it argues that the Bible was not taught as inerrant till the 19th century. It argues that the only reason Christians began to say the Bible was inerrant was because of the need for it in apologetics.The relationship between i nspiration and inerrancy is powerful because they are united. Without the inspiration of the Holy Spirit there would be no need of inerrancy. We trust in the inerrancy of the Bible because we are taught that scripture was given to the authors by the breath of God. God is infallible and therefore the inspiration of the Bible is inerrant. When I reflect on the authority, inspiration, and inerrancy of the Bible I know that to be a committed follower of Jesus I must submit to each of these so that I may grow in my faith.

Diversity and Ethics

Diversity Diversity in management is a major task. There are many aspects related to diversity, such as: culture, religion, and gender, just to name a few. It is important to remember that different people have different values and morals. Treating each person as an individual may be a difficult task for some managers. For managers who hire, hiring people with different backgrounds can enhance the team’s performance by introducing different perspectives and ideas. The planning process includes identifying how to integrate these ‘different’ people into the team. Ensuring the necessary resources are available to train and develop personnel based on their experience and education is a big part of organizing. Leading a team of diverse individuals can be quite interesting. Each person must be empowered and motivated to come to work and perform at his or her best. Controlling and monitoring each individual’s performance and how each person relates to others is mandatory for the team to be cohesive. Starbucks has made diversity a major priority. According to Starbucks’ Corporate Social Responsibility Report, diversity is one of Starbucks’ Guiding Principles. â€Å"At Starbucks, we embrace diversity as an essential component in the way we do business. † (Starbucks, 2009). Diversity is even one of Starbucks’ core values in their Standards of Business Conduct. Ethics According to Bateman and Snell (2009), ethics is defined as â€Å"the system of rules that governs the ordering of values. † The four functions of management are vital to an organization’s ethical behavior. Management has a responsibility, not only to the consumers, but also to the staff to lead by example and behave in an ethical manner. Starbucks understands the importance of ethics. For the third year in a row, Starbucks has been named one of the world’s most ethical companies by Ethisphere Magazine (Starbucks, 2009). Starbucks’ Standards of Business Conduct empowers and motivates their employees to make ethical decisions by providing a framework to be followed if they have any doubts. Starbucks also offers their support to their employees in doing the right thing and conducting business with integrity. References Bateman, T. , & Snell, S. A. (2009). Management: Leading and collaborating in the competitive world (8th ed. ). New York, NY: McGraw-Hill. Starbucks. (2009). Starbucks Social Corporate Responsibility Report. Retrieved from http://www. starbucks. com/aboutus/csrreport/csr. htm Starbucks. (2009). Business Ethics and Compliance. Retrieved from http://www. starbucks. com/aboutus/SoBC_FY09_eng. pdf

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Poverty and Children in the United States Essay

Although the world has made strides in technical development, social development issues remain a challenge not only to the developing world but also to the developed world. Poverty is one of the social issues that have been tackled by successive government with littler mitigation of the situation. Even in situation where the rate of poverty seems declining, there is always a quick shift of the goalpost and the gains made are quickly eroded with successive change of government or due to the changing environment condition. Even in developed countries like United States, poverty is a major challenge. The rate of poverty of poverty remains at double digit even with all the efforts to tackle the problem. Poverty has been confined to the low income segment of the society. Children are the most affected with a high percentage of poverty confined in children population. Due to their vulnerable nature, children have no option but to live with the current state of their life.   Consequent researches have proved that children under the age of 18 are more likely to be impoverished. At all time in our history the gap between the rich and the poor has been growing wide. Not that there are not effort to reduce this gap, but somehow the nature of our economies, free market and the role of the state remain unclear. To take a leaf from a popular book which was published in 1888 by Edward Bellamy, we have not reached the utopic situation that he had predicted in the book by 2000. He saw a society where class division were to be done away with, but our the gap between the rich and the poor is wide; where workers earn the same salary, but there is a big difference in our salary scale;   and a society where poverty would no longer exist, but our poverty levels are soaring all time high.   In his critical outlook at the 19teh century, Dr Lee failed to understand how wages were set at a state in which men and women would not be able to sustain the life of their children. He saw it as a conspiracy to deny children. (Reef, 2008) Poverty in the United States Poverty can be measured either as absolute or relative poverty. Absolute poverty can be defined as a situation where individuals lack all the basic needs for their survival.   This means that individuals lack the fundamental necessities for life like diet that meets their daily caloric and nutrient needs, shelter, clothing, safe drinking water, and others.  Ã‚   In the world those living under such condition are generally considered as poor. On the other hand relative poverty is a measure that is adopted which goes with the standard of living in the society.   In this case individuals may not lack basic necessities like in absolute poverty but compared with the standards of life of those living around they may be considered deprived of some basic wants.   As the standard of living in a country rises, individual life may be changing as well. Therefore poverty in the United States may be measured or a relative poverty base since even most of those who are considered poor do not lack the fundamental necessities of their life. (NCCP, 2008) In the United States, poverty is measured using the poverty line which has been set by the government.   This measure is set to assess how an individual access the basic goods and services which are usually taken for granted by  Ã‚   the society. however this   the threshold value for assessing poverty in the country is adjusted from time to time in line with the rate of inflation   mostly using consumer price index.   The measure for poverty used in the world and which has been adopted by the United Nations is two dollars a day. Individuals who live below the poverty line are those who live on less than two dollars a day. Poverty eradication has been an ongoing war in the United States.   However, it was in 1964 when President Lyndon Johnson officially declared a war on American social. This was war on domestic poverty which had rocked its all time high.   Since 1964 when this war was declared, there are hundreds of billions of dollars which have been spent in the war against poverty in the small and large American towns. The government has been providing free food, repaired all the dilapidated homes and furnished jobs for all those in need. Hearts and Minds (2007) show that despite the government efforts, there are millions of Americans who are still living under poverty. American has not won the war. Statistics taken in 1996 showed that there were more Americans living in poverty compared to the statistics taken in 1964. This clearly illustrate that the country social-wellbeing had been declining to its lowest levels in the last century. 1996 statistics showed that 13.8 percent of Americans were living in poverty and large percentages were in the borderline. However, it was very astonishing that 48 %of this population was children. The statistics also revealed that;  · More than 15 million children or roughly one out of every four children in united state lived below the official poverty line  · 22% of Americans   who were under the age of 18 years and approximately 25% under that age of 12 years were hungry or were at the risk facing hunger  · for every 2,660 children who were born in poverty, about 276 of them died from the same poverty  · Children and families in poverty were the fasted growing group of homeless individual making up to about 40%. Poverty in the United States has been changing with time and usually rhymes with the official measures taken to address the problem.   However, the official figures have been staggering at around 12 to 16% measured on the federal poverty line at any given time while for the last one decade, it is estimated that roughly 40 % of the population fall below the poverty line. The Bureau of Statistics has also revealed that about 58.5% Americans will spend at least one year of life in poverty or mostly between the age of 25 and 75. While the government continues to put more effort in fighting poverty, it is evident that United States has some of the highest official figures of poverty and the Human development Index ranks the country at the 12th position. This means that among the developed countries in the world, the country has the highest pre and post transfer poverty rates. Institute for Research on Poverty (2008) shows that despite these staggering figures of poverty, the distribution of poverty among the race, gender, and age is varying. Going with the age it is evident that individual below the age of 18 years are mostly affected by poverty for example, in the 2006 statistics the rate of poverty among the minors was the highest among the industrialized nations in the world.   Research reveled that 21.9 % of all the minors in the population were living under poverty. However, racial difference was also evident with about 30% of African Americans minors living below the poverty line.   Research has also shown that there is a higher rate of child poverty in the rural areas compared to the suburban and urban areas. Poverty and children As we have seen, children are most affected by poverty in the country. A large percentage of children especially those living in families with low income are languishing in relative poverty compared to how other children in their neighborhood are living. Research has been documented that children living in low income neighborhood famously referred to as the ghettos experience a high rate of poverty compared to children in well up neighborhoods. Hearts and Minds (2007) assert that for the last two decades, child poverty has been ranging between 10 and 20%.   Although there has been fluctuation and dispute of the official figures of child poverty, it is very clear that the figures have been on the upward trend.   During the 1990s, the official figures of poverty children declines slightly and the same decline was also recorded in welfare rolls. However, the hopes raised by this decline obscured three caveats:  · First the increase did not last and when we thought we had mad strides in 1990s, the figures started rising again from 2000.   The welfare safety net was also drastically reduced since 2000.  · Second, there has been an increase in severe poverty. This defines children who are living in families that live on less that half of the set federal line on poverty.  · Third, there are a very large number of children who are living below or near the poverty line, with a good percentage hanging on the border line. Currently   estimates show that this groups is roughly 37 % of American children that is composed of 42% American infant and toddlers, 58% American children, 62% of American Latino children According to the recent estimates, more than 13 million Americans children are living in families which have income far below the federal poverty level which is currently set at $20,650 every year for a family of four.   Between 2000 and 2006 it has been shown that the number of children living in poverty increased by about 11% despite the government effort to mitigate the situation. However, it has been argued that since poverty is measured as relative poverty in United States, this could be attributed to the increase in income in the upper segment of the population. Therefore, this figure may be reflecting a growing disparity in the distribution of income rather than an increase in the official figure of children living in poverty. Despite the argument about the validity of these figures, it is evident that there are more than 1.2 million more children living under the federal poverty threshold today compared to 2000. (NCCP, 2008) Fass and Cauthen (2007) stresses that these numbers are troubling, and they also tell us a part of the wide scale poverty situation in our country.   These figures tell us of a more flawed metric of economic hardship that our country is currently experiencing.   Research has proved that most families in the United States need twice more the federal poverty level threshold in order to make the ends met.   Again here we can see a very clear picture portraying how our official figures are not rhyming with the situation on the ground which tells of a growing disparity in the distribution of resources.   According to the federal threshold level for 2006, children who were living in families below this level which was roughly $41,000 for a family of four were regarded as low income.   More than 39% of children in the nation, about 28 million lived in low income families in 2006. What do these figures reflect? We can give different interpretation from the figures which we have reviewed so far. However, it is very clear that there is a growing rate of child poverty in America. As expressed by child advocacy groups this is a big concern to us especially when we consider that children will make our society tomorrow.   We have toiled to create a developed country and our fear is that we may be slowly slipping to a third world society if we have to continue with the trend. Furthermore the growing number of children living below the poverty line is a reflection of the trend in the large society. This clearly reflects the growing disparities in income distribution. As we saw with the disputed figures, it is evident that the main reason which we an attribute to the growing disparity in the official poverty rate figures shows a growing income in the upper segment of the society while the low income families have reduced their level of income or remained in the same statues.   This is a growing concern considered that fact that about 1% of the Americans currently earn twice as much as the 38% of the American in the bottom of the ladder. (NCCP, 2008) There is also a growing barrier to upward mobility.   This is manifested not only in the rising child poverty but also in the preclusive real estate and the rising rate of inflation. There is a growing cost of health care, energy, and others. Healthcare for children is a concern in the country with the No Child Left Behind program struggling to meet its objectives and provide affordable healthcare cost to American children. It is still estimated that there are more children in low income families who are not insured with any medical insurance, and who still fail to meet the entry criteria to No Child Left Behind program. Gussow (1994) estimate that about 13 million children in the united states still live in   homes with low access to food supply.   Researches have established a direct link between lack of enough food supply, malnutrition and poor health status among children. Although there are conflicting figures on the rate of malnutrition in the country, it is evident that children from the low income families have been experiencing one from of malnutrition or the other. While the prevailing data gives very little evidence of existence of extreme hunger, there is enough data to suggest that majority of American children living in poverty have deficient of one mineral or the other. (NCCP, 2008) Miller and Koreman (1994) shows that the situation is compounded by the fact that we have been caught up in double tragedy of malnutrition. While a good segment of American children are living in relative poverty, the upper segment is living in affluence with a high rate of lifestyle disease. However, data fails to distinguish between the two factors although it is evident that malnutrition problems like overweight and obesity are prevalent in both the affluent and the poor segment of the society. While some studies suggests that low income family children have a higher rate of overweight and obesity, other studies have shown contradicting results. Whichever the case we have to understand that over nutrition or under nutrition both express a health challenge manifested in American children. Conclusion Despite the government effort to deal with poverty, child poverty in United States remains a challenge. The trend is worrying despite the efforts made we are slipping to a dangerous situation. The population of children living below the federal poverty line has been on the rise. It is time that the government realized that this is a problem we are facing and therefore come up with strategies to address it. The country need to take changes in the social system in order to address the plight of children well in providing of basic necessities. Some programs like No Child Left Behind need to be reviewed in order to accommodate more children. Unless we take the problem of our children as ours, the problem of child poverty will stay here with us.

Monday, July 29, 2019

Performance & Reward Management Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Performance & Reward Management - Case Study Example The presentation's color scheme and the text size plus the amount of information put on one slide are some attributes that give the presentation the look that is required in this case justice was done with all the attributes and this resulted in a successful presentation (Michael Alley. 2007). First I would like to discuss the positives of the presentation. Another important aspect of a presentation should be that it catches the eye of the audience and gathers the attention and this presentation did have this element in it (Garr Reynolds. 2007). The group members seemed to be very prepared and completely informed about what they were doing and how they had to do it. The ideas that were explained and depicted through out the presentation were of immense importance as they shaped up the mood of the audience and made the presentation effective. Defining every single idea to its best extent with the help of solid examples was one quality that was seen throughout the presentation. The second point that I liked about the presentation and the presenters was that the information they had in their mind apart from the one they had on the presentation was used at the proper places and situations throughout the presentation. The presenters were well informed about the organization and its operations they knew completely how the performance management system operated and supported the daily operations.

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Research about coca cola in the states Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

About coca cola in the states - Research Paper Example I also seek to works with a firm that has respect for its employees and that provides channels for career growth. In a modern world, sustainability is extremely crucial and all firms need to be not only sensitive to sustainability issues but also have a solid plan to manage sustainability. As I seek for a firm in which to work, I hope to work with a firm that has a well developed sustainability plan. To get the most credible information, the study will begin by surfing the company’s website with the intention of looking for the way the firm looks at the various issues that have been indicated above. The study will seek to look at the company’s website and thus look at the various pieces of information provided by the firm. This will be with regarded to the following issues; This will provide an insight of the way in which Coca Cola looks at its human resource and whether it provides for growth channels for its employees’ careers. This will enable me to understand whether the firm will give me the kind of career growth that I am looking for. Once this information is gotten from the website, it will then be reinforced or criticized with information from other professional websites to look at the validity and objectivity of this information. This will also provide valuable information about the firm with regard to how it looks at the issues at hand. Step three will be to look at how various scholars have regarded the firms, especially from a critical point of view. This will aid in getting a better picture of the firm’s operations and also from a historic point of view. Coca Cola is one of the most globalized firms in the world. Unlike most companies that claim to be globalized despite the fact that they have not yet reached every corner of the habited planet, Coca Cola operates in all parts of the globe, even the

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Narrative and Storytelling Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Narrative and Storytelling - Essay Example they start from a certain point in time and reach a point in future, which, by the end of the movie becomes present. As long as the scenes are logically constructed, and one scene defines the purpose of another, the film is said to have a plot, whereas in movies where one scene has no connection with another in any way, or does not lay the basis for happenings in the upcoming scenes, the story lacks plot. In order for a film to have a story, there have to be characters! Without characters, there is no one for the story to revolve around. In such a case, the film merely delivers knowledge to the audience. Such films have subjects like, â€Å"what is a perfect diet?†, â€Å"how to be slim† etc. â€Å"Where the wild things are† is a short fiction film written by Maurice Sendak that portrays the fears of children and their way of conquering their fears. The film has both a story and a plot. The film starts in a little boy, Max’s real world, then portrays his i maginative world, and then reverts to the real world. The scenes flow chronologically. In the start, Max hides in a wolf’s attire and makes an unsuccessful attempt to frighten his family. His mother locks him up in a room as a punishment, from where, he escapes mentally into an imaginative world, where he travels through the jungle, and sails in a boat until he reaches a far away land where the wild things dwell.

Friday, July 26, 2019

European Social Model Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 6250 words

European Social Model - Essay Example Article 36 of the Charter of Fundamental Rights1 and Article 16 of the EC Treaty2 establish SGI amongst the common values of the Union as well as their role in fostering social and territorial cohesion. Implementation of SGIs also ensures that some fundamental human rights are upheld, such as, the right to health and care; the right to education; the right to housing; the right to work; the right to access water and electricity, etc. Personal social services are not only services of general interest but also an indispensable element of social protection systems. The European social model contributes substantially to the European Union's economic development and productivity. Social protection systems provide both a base for the creation of wealth, and a guarantee against social exclusion, poverty, insecurity and discrimination. These services differ from other SGI in that their quality depends on other requirements such as vulnerability and dependency of their users. The principles governing the single market have led to the growing dominance of the logic of the market, which should remain a means and not become an end and should thus effectively support the fundamental objectives of the European Union, which are "to promote economic and social progress", "to achieve balanced and sustainable development", to reinforce "social and economic cohesion"3. . . Two different legal regimes apply to SGI and to social protection systems. EU competition law covers services of general economic interest while social security systems fall outside the scope of EU competition law as stated in 29 of the European's Commission Communication on Services of General Interest in Europe / Com (2000) 580: In the second place,... This paper explores that the principles governing the single market have led to the growing dominance of the logic of the market, which should remain a means and not become an end and should thus effectively support the fundamental objectives of the European Union, which are "to promote economic and social progress", "to achieve balanced and sustainable development", to reinforce "social and economic cohesion" . Two different legal regimes apply to SGI and to social protection systems. As the report declares services such as national education and compulsory basic social security schemes are also excluded from the application of competition and internal market rules. With regard to the former, the European Court of Justice ruled that the State, in establishing and maintaining such a system, is not seeking to engage in gainful activity but is fulfilling its duty towards is own population in the social, cultural and educational fields. The European legal tools of governance have served to Europeanize services of general interest. The reconciliation of the European market orientated approach to liberalization and the national defence of public services had been brought about by the creation of a Community law concept of â€Å"universal service†. This has been achieved through the use of Article 86 EC and the soft law communications by the Commission. Governance by soft law queries the legitimacy of the exercise and the legal nature of soft law Communications.

Thursday, July 25, 2019

The Role of the Environment (Geography) in the Emergence of the Egypti Essay - 2

The Role of the Environment (Geography) in the Emergence of the Egyptian Civilization - Essay Example People grew food along the river due to the availability of water and the fertility of the land. The river became an important feature that attracted settlements, leading to a significant growth of cities (Stalcup 2000). Being in a desert, Egypt’s survival relied on the river. Therefore, as civilization continued people came to live in the cities near the river in order to increase their chances of survival. Egyptians lived in an environment with a lot of dessert features. Due to the seasonal rains in East Africa where River Nile originates, the Nile overflowed annually during the ancient Egyptian civilization (Smith 1916). When the rains decreased, the rich black soil was deposited on the floodplain. This environmental phenomenon led to successful agricultural production in Egypt (Stalcup 2000). The sun was also shining relentlessly, providing light and heat for the people and crops. Furthermore, natural dessert barriers caused protection of the Egyptians against foreigners. In terms of arts and writings, a strong and creative society was created following the rise of cities and civilizations along the Nile Delta. The Lighthouse at Alexandria and the Pyramids of Giza became two of the five wonders of the world. There were a lot of written records of ancient Egyptians including moralistic treatises, love poetry, instructional texts and tales. Their knowledge of Mathematics and architecture motivated by the environment also led to the development of large stone buildings (Smith 1916). The availability of building stones and other architectural materials encourage the ancient Egyptians to develop writings and architecture in the Nile Delta region. The Nile River was also a good environment for the growth of papyrus plant that was used to write texts. This encouraged the development of writing during civilization, which  was one of the earliest forms of writings.  

Developing the Professional Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3750 words

Developing the Professional - Assignment Example Dear Sir/Madam I am a postgraduate student pursuing my Master's degree in International Business from Lincoln University United Kingdom. I would like to be considered for the post of an HR PMO Officer in the organization. I am very interested in working in this field and would like to take this opportunity to put my ideas and skills into practice in order to develop myself along with the organization. I would like to make the best use of this opportunity and that is why I am applying to Vodafone for the post of an HR PMO Officer as I believe that, this platform will give me an exposure to a professional working environment whereby I will be able to learn and grow along with the organization. This job will be a perfect platform for me to put into practice my communications skills that I have developed over the due course of my life, thereby enabling me to interact with many people all over the world and to learn and know more about them thus enhancing my communication skills. While working with Ras Girtas Power Company and Doha Bank, I learned to provide assistance to my superiors and I had to work under strict deadlines. I had to schedule my tasks and report the status of every single assignment on a timely basis to my superiors. This is where I believe I can be of great assistance to the PMO lead where my major responsibility will be to support the PMO lead and other project and program management officers to deliver their projects within time, cost and quality.

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Profanity and Women Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Profanity and Women - Essay Example Profanity as utility is as much part of language and communication as the norm that defines it as a deviation (Jay, 2009, p.155). According to Jay through the use of taboo/swear words "one can achieve myriads of personal and social goals" (Jay, 2009, p.155). Thus combining the socio-physical context and overarching emotiveness of foul language. For it is at a personal level that the dogmatic inappropriateness of taboo words is initially perceived through inflicted punishment and restrictions. Its inadvertent use, however, conveys a necessity to go beyond the formally recognized means of expression. A psychological sociolinguistic reading of taboo language would probably best describe it as an articulated emotional trespassing. Being extreme in essence it is often associated with extreme emotions and states of mind such as anger, frustration, violence, etc. in the expression of which the two genders perform differently depending on their age and social ranking (Eckert & McConnell-Gine t,2003; James, 1998; Jay, 2009 ). Course language and profanity have always existed in the discourse irrespective of language and culture. Profanity is a form of expression intended to convey a variety of feeling and emotions, as well as to intensify and emphasize a point in such a way that can not be paralleled by using correct and what are deemed appropriate words and expressions. Taboo words are used to express anger; they could be a form of rebellion against social norms as well as a means of belonging to a social group. Their frequent insertion between words in a sentence could be an involuntary way of phrasing, intending no harm and lacking significance, or it could simply be a way to fill the void of a limited vocabulary. Taboo words fall into a number of categories: Taboos in English are placed primarily on sexual references (blow job, cunt) and on those that are considered profane or blasphemous (goddamn, Jesus Christ). Taboos extend to scatological referents and disgusting objects (shit, crap, douche bag); some animal names (bitch, pig, ass); ethnic-racial-gender slurs (nigger, fag, dago); insulting references to perceived psychological, physical, or social deviations (retard, wimp, lard ass); ancestral allusions (son of a bitch, bastard); substandard vulgar terms (fart face, on the rag); and offensive slang (cluster fuck, tit run). (Jay, 2009, p. 154) In Language and Gender Eckert and McConnell-Ginet draw upon Robin Lakoff's 1970s theory about "women's language" (Eckert et al., 2003, p.158). They describe the choice of language utilized by women as historically, socially and culturally determined and sustained through existing power structures related to male dominance. Furthermore, a female is a priori perceived as powerless simply through positioning herself as a woman. Hence the language she uses is a "powerless language" and it prevents her from interactional effectiveness (Eckert et al., 2003, p.159). A type of language, which has been also attributed to other marginalized and discriminated against categories such as homosexuals and people of various racial and ethnic backgrounds. From an early age, people and especially women, are conditioned to perceive certain words as profane,

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Writing Skills Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Writing Skills - Essay Example When in doubt, take a look at models written by experts† (Hacker, 1996, p. 23). Although some areas of the course were difficult for me, I value these the most, because I learned the most from them. Some areas of the course were easy for me, too, which gave me some amount of confidence. The most difficult part of the course for me was learning to arrange my ideas in a way that showed structure. When I wrote before this course, I tended to go from one random idea to another. I would start a school paper on tax policy, and wind up talking about the Iraq War, so that by the end of the paper, no one could tell what it was about. I learned that it is possible, with the help of the course, to organize my ideas better, and get a strong idea about my writing before I start it. This way, I am not just going off on tangents: now I keep outlines and follow them. This was also the most difficult part of the course for me, as mentioned, because even now, I am tempted to launch into a new idea, without organizing it first. However, I think that this area of the course was one of great progress for me. One of the easiest parts of the course for me was the actual mechanics of writing. I know that I am no grammar expert, and my punctuation can sometimes use a lot of work. I am also prone to writing run-on sentences. However, when I started to compare my writing and talk to some of the other students, I found that I was having a lot less trouble with grammar and spelling than they were. I never really had a problem with this area in school, and in fact, some of my earliest teachers were very keen on students diagramming sentences in a seemingly endless manner. Even though I did not enjoy this as it was happening, I think it gave me a solid foundation of grammar, and the ability to string a sentence together. Overall,

Monday, July 22, 2019

My Best Friend Essay Example for Free

My Best Friend Essay Believe it or not, my best friend is an elderly woman in her late 70s. Her name is Maria. She is Spanish decent, married, with no children. We couldn’t appear to be more different. Maria and I met at the gym last year. That’s about all we had in common when we met – that we were both active and healthy. Many people would question why I would develop such a close relationship with someone more than twice my age. It was our differences that actually brought us close. Maria had already been through all of the things that I had yet to face in my life, and she had a lot to teach me. I was a ready listener, as I was facing things in my life that I had never experienced before. I needed guidance and friendship, and Maria was like an angel sent to guide me. I enjoy spending time with Maria. She is pleasant all the time and very easy going. I can talk to her about anything, and she seems to know just what to say or when not to say anything at all. She is very confident and doesn’t try to impress anyone by pretending to be someone she is not; perhaps this is why I am so drawn to her. Maria is very happy with her life despite the fact that she never had children and is in the winter of her life. She has given me the opportunity to look at my life in a different perspective and to accept and be proud of all of the choices that I have made, while at the same time offering guidance for my future. Every moment I spend with Maria is a gift. I cherish it. I hope she gains as much from our friendship as I do.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Natural resources Curse or blessings

Natural resources Curse or blessings Abstract: The resource curse refers to a complex phenomenon that resource rich countries fail to take the advantages from their natural resources. According to this term countries with abundance of natural wealth are unable to gain the benefits of having the resources that they are supposed to get in comparison to the countries with fewer natural resources. This paper describes the existence of resource curse, how to deal with this curse and its implication to development of Middle East. Introduction Even though a country with plenty of natural resources should progress in terms of GDP and economic growth at far more pace as compared to countries with far less resources or with no resources at all as compared to them, studies and experiments do tend to suggest otherwise. True, natural resources reserves do help a country raise individual living standards, economic growth, nevertheless, unless made full use of it can result in a negative GDP too. Experiments after being carried out in this regard has shown that in some countries despite resources being available in plenty their progression was not in line with it. On the contrary, countries which should have struggled to make their way through, as they had little resources or none at all, in reality have out-performed countries with abundant resources through the help of their service and manufacturing industries. While on the other hand some natural-resources rich countries have done exceptionally well as they utilized their wealth with perfection. To sum up, it can neither be said having less natural resources will mean a country can not progress nor can it be said that having enough of it will prevent a country from moving further forward. The whole thing has got to do more with whether proper utilization of it was made or not. Is there a resource curse? If a closer look is taken at some countries in the Middle Mast, for example, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Iran and Iraq, it can be seen that they all share some things in common. These countries have more oil reserves than any other countries in the world; they are governed by Islamic laws, the fate of the people lies at the hand of their leaders, and where democracy is not present at all. General people have nothing to say as to how the country would be run and armed forces are often used as a weapon by the leaders to ensure that power does not come out of their hands. Despite having natural wealth, these countries have not performed as per expectation. Still they have slow population growth and poor life expectancy than average, low quality education and health care, low market diversification, poor socio-political development indices. There are some other natural resource-rich countries, where natural resources could not bring blessings. In some African countries civil war occurred over the control of the resources which may lead to separatism. People from natural resource areas want to keep control over their resources. Thus they get engaged in conflict with their Government. The Governments abilities to perform go down badly. For instance, in Angola and Sierra Leone, some rebel groups in the area where natural recourses like diamond, gold etc are located, are engaged in different forms of crimes like extortion, drug dealing, kidnapping foreign executives of multinational companies for ransom. The revenues from natural resources can go up and down. When the prices of the natural resource rise the economy of the countries dominated by natural resources booms and again if the price falls down the economy also plummets. For instance, the price of crude oil shot up from $10 per barrel in 1998/1999 to $140 per barrel in the middle of 2008. Again in December 2008 the price plunges to $40 per barrel. On 29th of December 2009 the price was $76.19 per barrel. The wild fluctuation of the price of natural resource can have a great impact in the Governments annual development budget if the economy depends absolutely or mostly on natural resources. In the resource rentier countries, the Government does not tax the citizens because they have fixed sources of income from resource rent. They do not have to explain about their policies, rules, and laws to the public. People also do not or can not complain about their living standard, health, Government policies etc even though they are poorly served by the Government. As a result, the relationship between the rulers and public collapses. In the Middle East people can not protest against any Government policy. In fact the rulers, dependent on natural resource rent, tend to be repressive, corrupt and poorly managed. In the resource abundant countries human resources are often ignored. Instead of investing in the development of education, health and research, Government make huge expenditure on buying luxurious products, military, police from which the only rulers or elite societies get benefited. The countries which have natural resource, the giant multinational companies gather there. They want to get control over the resource to mine it by paying a token money. They try to get the control either by bribing money or other forms of gifts to the rulers of that country, or by creating pressure from their own country to the resource owner country. If the Government is not accountable to its citizens, it is very tough to avoid such pressure or the greed of bribe. Thus the multinational companies are spreading corruption in the poor, but with natural resource, countries. For example, Niko, a Canadian company is in charge of gas exploration in Bangladesh. In 2005 because of the incompetence, technical fault of Niko, two huge blowouts of gas occurred. Bangladesh faced a loss of tk7.4650 billion in local currency ($1=tk70 approximately) including gas and environmental damages. But instead of paying the compensation they gave a luxurious car which cost 10 million in local currency to the state minister for energy as a bribe to avoid compensation. There are many countries with little or no natural resources at all, which have been able to develop. Resource-rich countries like Middle East could not perform well in terms of economic growth. Even the growth of some countries with ample natural resources was negative. On the other hand countries with low natural resources performed extremely well. Most of the resource poor countries like Singapore, Korea, Taiwan, and Hong Kong grew rapidly during the period. They achieved rapid economic growth from export industries based on manufactured products. Lack of natural resources could not be an impediment in their development. Some countries with affluent natural resources used this wealth effectively and thus they became developed. USA for example, was a resource rich country. But unlike others it used its mineral resources as a ladder of progression. Natural resources played an important role in the technological and industrial development. US made a huge investment in exploration, geological knowledge, transportation and the technologies of mining, refining and utilization. US excelled other countries in the world in mineral sector. Mineral sector contributed a lot to enhance the knowledge and technological capabilities. In the way to leadership in manufacturing, the mineral sector of the USA was an important issue. According to Wright (2004) resource extraction in the United States was more fundamentally associated with ongoing processes of learning, investment, technological progress, and cost reduction, generating a manifold expansion rather than depletion of the nations resource base. It had a great effect in the progress of education. By the nineteenth century, the education system of the US in mining engineering and metallurgy came out as the world leader. Columbia School of Mines which was opened in 1864 became the leader. Later University of California at Berkeley developed into worlds largest mining college. Wright (2004) wrote in his journal that The most famous American mining engineer, Herbert Hooverà ¢Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ ¬an early graduate of Cals cross-bay arch rival, Stanfordà ¢Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ ¬maintained that the increasing assignment of trained engineers to positions of combined financial and managerial, as well as technical, responsibility was a distinctive contributing factor to U.S. leadership in this sector. In 1917 a survey was conducted which found there were 7500 mining engineers in the USA. Thus natural resources contributed in the progress of law, investment and education which led to overall development in America. Considering all the evidences, it can be said that natural resource is neither a vital element of development nor a curse. Development depends on lots of factors like Government policies, accountabilities, human resource development, education, fiscal policy, manufacturing industries etc. When a Government can not rule the country properly, it becomes authoritarian and repressive. It uses the rent from natural resource to dominate the public and avoid accountability, transparency. At that time resource becomes a curse. But for this natural resource can not be blamed rather the mismanagement can be blamed. If the natural resource is utilized appropriately, it can be blessing. How can a state overcome the resource curse? Some evidences suggest that there is a negative relationship between natural resources and growth. So resources were called a curse by many researchers. But it is not always true. A country can get rid of this curse by taking some steps. The guaranteed income from natural wealth can be used as a source of investment rather than a source of public disbursement. The transformation of natural assets into manufacturing capital can lead to break the curse. The country can use the resource rent to develop the infrastructure. The country can invest the rent in different sectors like manufacturing, health, education, development of law and order, human rights. If the country can manufacture goods in a large volume, it can export them. Income from exports will reduce the dependence on natural resource. The government can launch a comfortable taxation system. It will establish the relationship between the ruler and the public. Whenever government will take money from the citizens, it will have to explain the incomes and expenses of the country. It will provide accountability and transparency. The Government can share the revenue with the local people. When the local community was given the power to handle resources of the country, it not only motivates long-term investment but also takes the pressure off the shoulder from central government, and also helps to alleviate poverty. Through the proper management of natural resources, a government can sustain the welfare of the country; can raise the life standards of the people living below the poverty line and thus make the natural resources as a blessing. The Middle East will not develop until its oil reserves run out. Discuss. Most countries in Middle East, if not all, have some things in common such as monarchy system, oil reserves, no accountability and transparency, absence of democracy, repressive. Economy of these countries relies on their oil income. As they do not rely on tax from its people, they can avoid accountability and other responsibilities to the people. Because of oil being present there in plenty and the income the government extracts from selling them to other parts of the world being more than enough for them to run their country, the government do not feel it important to build manufacturing industries in their country. But at some point down the line this oil reserve will come to an end. Then these countries will be forced to find other sources of income and only then they will really start thinking to build other service and manufacturing industries. This may open the doors for private sector. When the private sectors thrive, it will bring investments from different places which will also in turn create plenty of job opportunities. Government will have to invest for the development of human resource to cope with demand for skilled people. As a result there will be a literate society. The rulers will loose legislation blocks to investment, private employment, exorbitant regulatory barriers, poor enforcement of commercial contracts and dispute resolution, taxation barriers. The multinational companies (other than Oil companies) will be attracted to these countries to expand their businesses. Huge investment will come that will contribute to the development of the countries. Another thing, when rulers will tax the citizens, they will have to explain their policies, incomes and expenses. As a result accountability and transparency will grow up. It can lead to democracy. When the rulers will start thinking of the welfare of the public, it will help to sustain the democracy and development of the country. The example of UAE can be taken. It is expected that the oil reserve of UAE will run out in twenty years. The rulers realised this. So they are trying to move to other sectors, for example tourism. Now Dubai is one of the most lucrative tourist places. Every year millions of tourists from all over the world visit Dubai. Government are earning a substantial amount of revenue from tourism sector. Dubai is attracting the business companies from the western world. Currently Dubai is one of the best places for business. Almost all of the international companies have branches in Dubai. Thus the Government of UAE is reducing dependence from oil. Another example is Kuwait. They are utilizing the rent from oil for off-shore investment. This way they are trying to stabilize the economy. As long as the countries of Middle East will get revenue from oil, they will remain averse to make changes. They will stay in vicious circle until the oil reserve will be depleted. The sooner they realize that oil reserves are not unlimited, they will move to the way to development. Conclusion: Though some of the evidences identify natural resources as a curse, but the resources themselves are not a curse. Mismanagement of the resources makes them a curse. But there is no short term option to get out of the curse. Oil in the Middle East is a sensitive issue. When the Government will decide to use the resource for the development of the living standards of citizens, they will transform into a good government from authoritarian rulers. International pressure and internal pressure can shake the rulers. But because of having a large oil reserve, the rulers can avoid all forms of pressure. This paper has illustrated all the facts related to natural resources. According to Kirk Hamilton and Giovanni Ruta, (2006) Whatever the level of government, good management is a precondition for good performance. Natural resources are governance-intensive. Sound management of these natural resources can support and sustain the welfare of poor countries, and poor people in poor countries, as they move up the development ladder. Bibliography: Class Lecture Journals Moore, M. (2004) International Political Science Review. Revenues, State Formation, and the Quality of Governance in Developing Countries, 25(3), pp. 297-319 Sachs Jeffrey D. and Warner Andrew M. (2001) European Economic Review. Natural Resources and Economic Development The curse of natural resources, 45, pp. 827-838 Wright, G. and Czelusta, J. (2004) WHY ECONOMIES SLOW. The Myth of the Resource Curse, 47(2), pp.6-38 Online Resources Bannon, I. and Collier, P. (2003) HUMAN SECURITY IN CONFLICT SITUATIONS. Natural resources and violent conflict: options and actions [Online]. Pp.242-245. Available from [Accessed 2nd January 2010] Hamilton K. and Ruta, G. (2006) Environment Matters. From Curse to Blessing Natural Resources and Institutional Quality [Online]. pp. 24-27. Available from [Accessed 2nd January 2010]. Humphreys, M., Sachs Jeffery D. and Stiglitz Joseph E. (2007) Escaping the Resource Curse. USA: Columbia University Press. [Online] Available from [Accessed 2nd January 2010]. Sachs Jeffrey D. and Warner Andrew M. (2001) European Economic Review. Natural Resources and Economic Development The curse of natural resources, 45, p. 829

The Effects Of Music Videos On Children Young People Essay

The Effects Of Music Videos On Children Young People Essay Music wakes up in our minds in the morning to the point of making us want to dance and probably soothing us when we have sand feelings. From our childhood through teenage to adulthood, music becomes our integral part in our whole life. At teenage, music helps define the characteristics of an individual. Pediatricians have tried to specialize in adolescent medicine and also consider the power of music and how it affects their identity. The impact on the individuals cultural and social boundaries is highly attributed to the long average hours of listening to music. Despite the fact that there is extensive variety of genres of music, adults and children differ on how they select the content to listen to. With the ability to discern what is right and what is wrong, adults may not be highly affected by the current behavior or social ills. Children on the other hand are much prone to the attractive violent category of music; the music contains plots that draw adolescents and other minority. During the development stages in adolescent, children try to discover their own Hero and role models. This means that the environment in which these children spend and grow will give them the character they want as own hero. At this time, the most inspiring issue to the child is to get what she or he wants. Assuming that the child has personal problems o challenges that he or she wants to defeat, it would be easier to prefer violent characters on TV and then adopt their way of doing things. Most of the hip hop music for instance contains violent engagements, use of drugs, sexual situations as well as sexual violence. The child would then develop with the notion that he or she must be violent or arrogant to survive in life. Heavy metal music has extreme alienating effects on developing children which includes psychiatric disorders, substance abuse, sex-role stereotyping and suicide risk. If a child displays violent acts against other children, the parent or the teacher has to pay close attention the music being listened to by children (Kathy John). Most music videos may show half naked women which affect the mental health of a child. Due to the societal behavioral classification, this mode of dressing is not acceptable in public. Therefore children experience severe mental strain in deciding what to accept as a norm or evil. Depending on the exposure the child experiences, the child can develop in favor of the environment. A child can grow in a calm environment which may promote the wellbeing of the child. Calm videos can help the child admire to have the future he or she sees on the TV or such media. These groups of children prefer to stay in peaceful environment and mostly tend to be obedient and accepted in the society. On the other hand violent videos tend to portray that the world is much violent than the way it is. This makes children believe that their home is the only exemption that is safe. Children get deceived that their families must align with the society. Children do not have great exposure to the outer society due to their parental care. This leaves the children to understand the community to be home and TV or digital media. This means that if the parents do not stay at home for long hours, the child may end up adopting the media culture other than the home culture. The child advances in being violent and aggressive through the adolescent to early adulthood. The cognitive scripts developed by children are developed through imitating media heroes. Most of these are adopted from violent music videos and shows. As teenagers and children watch these violent acts, they are able to internalize these scripts and become effective in influencing the life of the individual ( Fashion is one of the areas that teenagers and children want to feel like they rule. They always want to outdo others, either among themselves or when alone. Celebrities adopt specific fashion for different tracks and videos; this leaves the child in a much vulnerable and delicate situation of selecting the style they want. These fashion problems may become an issue to the family since they may not be acceptable to the parents and the general public. The tense can lead to family problems where parents engage in physical confrontation with the child. Children on the other hand are not in a position to argue with the situation in which case they may be drawn away from their family. Areas in which fashion affects girl child includes scanty dressing, improper make up usage and use of drugs to change their body contour to look attractive. Boys may not experience extensive effects since the society does not set what is morally incorrect for the boy child. The problem however may be pronoun ced in a Christian family setting. This means that children can negatively be affected by such fashion (Media Awareness Network). The other problem area that music videos affect children during development is the misuse and use of alcohol in children. Video show explicit situations where young people are using alcohol and drugs. The child thinks that such use of drugs and alcohol would make the known and respected in the society. Since the video may not be only one that show such behaviors, the child tend to think that use of drugs or alcohol does not have any consequences after all. Although they may see warning signs on billboards highlighting the negative effects of using drugs and alcohol in young age, they do not get convinced as they get while watching a video. Such a child faces the wrath of using such drugs and alcohol to a point of addiction. The problem with such addiction is that they would require the individual to get medical attention and rehabilitation to recover and have a normal life again. Before the child or a parent discovers this problem, the child would have wasted a lot of precious time t hat could be used to develop talents and discover his or her mission in life. As earlier said, children may not be in a position to determine their role model with a conscious mind; the prominent environment chooses for them (Media Awareness Network). Language is the other aspect of a child that is affected by these videos. A child would always want to develop his or her commanding ability especially among peers or to use when asking something from the parent. The process of developing such that he or she can command respect naturally can get interfered with through audio and visual media. When the child sees someone on video eliciting vulgar words to others and gets what he needs done, and then the child will find it easier and efficient. The fact that such language is common in hard music which happens to be wide spread, the child assumes that such language is allowed in the society. The child ends up adopting the vulgar language for use in the community. Such children get discriminated in a society that values respectful individuals (Media Awareness Network). Fear is the other effect the music videos can have on the children. Children always want to feel safe and secure; it may not be the case when they discover that the world is not as they take it. Guns and deaths seem exaggerated on videos such that the child feels that anyone can be killed anytime and the criminal goes scot-free. The child may develop fear that this may happen to him or her or even to one of the family members. This can result to negative development of such children. With advancement in video production technology, video animation has become much easier. Some videos contain pictures showing situations where human being are being traumatized by unknown creatures, such video can be a fear factor to a child who has not developed enough to understand that such images are human creations and fiction. Such videos that scare children can trigger suicidal or homicidal feelings in a child. Music videos show explicit motion pictures that promote sex in the society. It is clear that such pictures would be of much interest to children who have not yet tried to indulge in sex itself. They act as the base upon which they learn how sex takes place. The sexual consciousness of a child may be aroused through such videos. Children can then try among themselves what they observed happen. In the process of trying, careless adults may become attracted to such minors. This opens to the child many challenges in life including sexually transmitted infections or even AIDS. Such sexual experiences are hard for children to contain and control, making them much vulnerable to rapists and child sex (Aubrey Jennifer). In conclusion, music videos have highly affected the structure of our society due to the effectiveness audio visual media. The power of such media has numerous advantages that have benefited the society, but this does not happen without a variety of back draws. Through the same visual technology, our society has degraded to a point of snatching childrens mind; children cannot live any more without videos. Media has become much accessible to children and teens through internet. It is however the responsibility of the guardian to create conducive environment for the child to grow. This can be achieved through use of internet filter tools to lockout inappropriate media from streaming. The parent can also subscribe for family programs that have their content checked for general audience. It might be hard or the parent to control what the child watches when alone therefore, it is also the responsibility of the parent to advise his or her children on what is appropriate and what is not. Work cited Aubrey Jennifer. The impact of sexually objectifying media exposure on negative body motions and sexual self perceptions investigating the mediating role of body self consciousness 2007. May 3, 2010 Kathy Dix John Harris. Violence in Music May 3, 2010 Media Awareness Network. Inappropriate content in music negative effects May 3, 2010 Does media violence promote violent behavior in young people? July 2001. May 3, 2010 se04/promote.pdf> Murray Jeannette. The Negative Effect of Music Videos, July 29, 2006. May 3, 2010

Saturday, July 20, 2019

The Unique relationship between God & Mankind in Genesis Essay

The relationship between God and his creations humans can be said to be a very complex relationship. Genesis shows us many examples of God's interaction with humans and human's interaction with each other. From the creation of Adam and Eve and all the events that follow afterwards, I shall show what the relationship tells us about the nature of God and mankind. When you read chapter one of Genesis you have the feeling that God is perfect. God holds all power and control. God turns chaos into order. "God said 'Let there be light.' And there was light, And God saw the light, that it was good" (Gen 1. 3). God's word is action, God's word is law in the universe. When God creates something, he ends it with God seeing that's its good. This is in effect giving support to the perfect nature that is God and the creations God has made. "God does not play dice" (Armstrong 9), God has order and a purpose for what he makes. An important aspect to God is seen while he is creating the world. He separates water from land. Light from Darkens, Day and Night, Male and Female. This shows that boundaries are important to God. We see examples where God put boundaries on mankind with their language by mixing the language up so confuse man and killing off the evil from the good. With the creation of man and woman God forms them out of his image. ?And God created the human in his image, in the image of God He created him, male and female He created them? (Gen 1.27). Alter says ?him as in the Hebrew is grammatically but not anatomically masculine?. So in interpretation the first human had no gender. Then on the third line ?male and female he created them? implies the creation of gender. The importance of this is that the first form of ?man? had n... ...ed a part to him. First we see God as omnipotent then we see God asking where Adam and Eve are hiding (Not being omnipotent). With the creation of mankind God loses some part of his Godliness and he gains some humanity. God has a little human in himself and we have a little God in us. But the main point still is the same, God is the authority over man and will remain this way. I also feel that the God in the bible is truly no different than the Gods of Greece for example. The God of ancient Greece acted just like humans, the only difference was that they were immortal. The God of the bible seems to act just like humans, shows love, anger, regret, learns from mistakes and so forth. So in the end God shows flaws and learns from mistakes. God is like humans, maybe this is why we don?t understand God sometimes because we can?t understand other people and their actions.

Friday, July 19, 2019

Grooms Wedding Speech - Damn Statistics -- Wedding Toasts Roasts Spee

Groom's Wedding Speech - Damn Statistics Ladies and gentleman, I have to be honest with you all and admit that I am quite nervous about standing up here and speaking this evening. While I was writing my speech I came across some interesting statistics about what guests are thinking about during a wedding speech. Apparently, twenty percent of you are thinking about getting onto the dance floor and partying the night away. Thirty percent of you are thinking about the marital status of the best man. Ladies, you may be pleased to know that he is single. He's also not very fussy as he showed at the stag party (bachelors party). It turns out that twenty percent of you are thinking about what happened at the stag party (bachelors party). Moving swiftly on. Ten percent of you are thinking about the type of couple that we will make. A rather worrying statistic, from my point of view, is that fifteen percent of you are having romantic thoughts about the person sitting next to you. There are several people here tonight who I would like to thank. I'd like to start by thanking my ...

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Experimenter Expectancy Effect On Children In A Classroom Setting :: essays research papers

Experimenter Expectancy Effect On Children in a Classroom Setting   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Rosenthal and Jacobson (1966) sought to test the experimenter expectancy effect by examining how much of an outcome teachers' expectancies could have on a group of children. Earlier investigations in this area were also conducted by Rosenthal (1963). He worked with children in a research lab, giving each one a rat and telling them it was either bred for intelligence or for dullness. The children were put in charge of teaching the rats how to learn mazes. Rosenthal's results showed that the rats that were believed by the students to be smart, were able to learn the mazes much quicker. What the children did not know, i.e., what Rosenthal had kept hidden, was that the rats were chosen at random. There were no rats that were especially bright or dull. Another case of the experimenter expectancy effect was that of the horse known as â€Å"Clever Hans†. It seemed to be able to read, spell, and solve math problems by kicking his leg a number of times. The horse was tested and passed, but what the experts did not realize was that their own hopes for the horse to answer the questions, were giving the horse signs on which he based his answers. That is, if someone on the committee raised his/her eyebrows in anticipation of the oncoming correct answer, the horse would stop stomping. Once again, the experimenter's cues decided the outcome of the tests. Acting on these results, Rosenthal and Jacobson hypothesized that teacher's expectancies would cause them unintentionally to treat the students they thought to be bright in a different manner than those they thought to be average or even less bright.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Rosenthal and Jacobson used some materials that were important in the completing their investigation. The experimenters used students and their teachers as the subjects of their study. As part of their experiment, they even chose which grades the students would be in. They also used Flanagan's Tests of General Ability as a disguise to predict academic expectancies. The experimenters did not use anything else in their experiment but instead let their subjects do the rest. Rosenthal and Jacobson's goal was to see how teachers would treat students whom they thought were of above average intelligence in comparison to how they treated students whom they believed were of below average intelligence.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  As with all experiments, there needed to be variables. In trying to test teacher's expectancies, Rosenthal and Jacobson used labels for children as their independent variable. The labels used were â€Å"bloomers† for children who were expected to be above average, while the other group of children were

Different Sociological Approaches To Health Essay

There are many sociological approaches that explain health and ill health. In this assignment I will be focusing on Marxism, feminism, interactionaist and functionalism perspectives. The Marxist perspective believe that the bourgeoisie (middle class) exploit the proletariat (working class) as we live in a capitalist system and that if we lived in an communist society that would be our ideal society because there would be equality between everyone. In health and social care setting doctors and surgeons are the bourgeoisie who exploit the proletariat who are patients. In England patients are exploited by having to pay for prescriptions whereas Scotland and Ireland do not have to pay for their prescriptions. The prices for medication is also another way the bourgeoisie exploit the proletariat as they set high prices for their products which enables them to make a large profit because there will always be a demand for medication and people need them to restore their health so they will b uy the product no matter how much it costs as it is such a necessity. Furthermore private health care only benefits the bourgeoisie as they are the only ones who can afford it, this gives them better access to health care for example if they need to seek emergency medical help they wouldn’t have to wait for a long time whereas the proletariat would have to normally wait a few hours before being seen by anyone at a normal emergency medical centre. Additionally each hospital spends a different amount of money on food for the patients at the hospital. Some hospitals spend very little money and others spend a large amount of money on the food for the patients for example one hospital could spend  £3.50 whereas on hospital could spend  £30. Food is a major factor to getting rid of an illness, as the nutrients in the food they consume help them to build up their full strength so in order to get better they need good nutrients which can only be provided by good quality food but not all hospitals spend a lot of money on food so they don’t buy good quality food. This is also another way in which the bourgeoisie exploit the proletariat because mostly only the private hospitals which accommodate to the bourgeoisie provide good quality food. Feminists analyse the status in society between men and women with the purpose to better women’s lives. Feminists state that it is more likely  for women to become ill more often due to the triple shift (emotional, paid employment and domestic work) which can cause them to suffer from stress, anxiety and depression. One problem that might occur from this is that they could suffer from a skin disorder due to the stress; this can cause them to have a low esteem. The stress from the triple shift may lead to women taking large amounts of alcohol to cope with it. Some women may drink a few glasses of wine every night; this can lead to many problems such as addiction, liver damage and poisoning. Others could deal with the stress by over eating as a way of escaping their problems which then leads to multiple health problems like; obesity, heart conditions, diabetes, high blood pressure, cancer and breathing problems. Liberal feminists focus on the inequalities between men and women in the health care professions. They point out the lack of power women have in their health care professions. Marxists feminists say that healthcare ensures that capitalist societies have a healthy work force which therefore works to prolong capitalism. They also believe that healthcare helps with the reproduction of the next generation of workers through maternal care they provide with the workforce. Functionalists believe that there is a value consensus within society which is when everyone has an agreement of norms and values. Functionalists argue that a free healthcare system would eliminate the pressure of funding healthcare for the family, leaving it to focus on its key functions of primary socialisation and stabilisation of adult personality. They also believe each institution has a positive impact for society and its individual members then their healthcare system must be positive. Parsons argue that all social actions can be understood if they have helped society to function effectively or not. The sick ro le disturbs society in the same way as crime does therefore illness can be seen as deviant. Biomedical model for health and illness states five features. Firstly they sate the disease is physical it concentrates on physical symptoms and not social and environmental factors however biomedical do not believe in mental illness ,depression and stress as they only look at physical signs of illness. Only medical professionals can treat the patient, this would be a problem to the mind causing the physical illness and the sufferer only being treated for the physical symptoms. Furthermore the body can be repaired with drugs and surgery but not all medicine is needed to cure the body, also other factors  that can help to recover from an illness e.g. eating disorders which is not cured by medicine but is a mental recovery and accepting and talking about the problem. Also illness is temporary and illness can be cured by the elite however illness like cancer may not be temporary and the drugs used may not help which means the cancer patient will have to leave their job depending on how long they have cancer. Lastly biomedical state that treatment is special and when treatments takes place it is different from the environment where the patient got ill however sometimes people get ill in the hospital when visiting because of the environment however weakness of biomedical model are reductionist because disease is reduced to biological causes without look at social and psychological factors, moreover it underestimates the link between social structure and diseases. However the social model states that it is someone choice whether they see themselves as ill or not. But it doesn’t look at how society would look if someone took the day off for a sore throat because they could still function at work so people do not have a choice to be off. This also links to health and disease is a social construction which is where people are segregated on different factors such as race, ethnicity and gender. Also the social model states that a whole group of people will get ill and not the individual because they are more at risk as there are patterns of social class and ethnic inequalities in health. However the social model has been stated that it ignores the material factors that may affect a person’s mental health such as poverty.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs Essay

In the 1950s a psychologist called Abraham Maslow conducted research on the saying of human motivation. In 1954 he suggested there were two sets of human call for, one and only(a) set related to basic excerption necessitates such as homeostasis, physiologic inevitably and safety. The second set he believed focused on self actualisation, this busy engage is where he thought an soulfulness realised their plentiful potentiality. (Cardwell et al, 2000). On the footing of his theory he arranged these mingled necessarily in a hierarchy, low with the basic survival needs and at the very top the self-actualisation need.(As pictured below). Maslows original pecking order of needs. image00. png (www. outlandishjosh. com/files/400px-Maslows_hierarchy_of_needs. svg. png) He suggested that apiece need had to be satisfied first before moving on to the conterminous stage of the hierarchy, and the higher up the hierarchy an single(a) went, the more difficult it was to touch the needs, he suggested this was because the higher up the hierarchy an person went the needs became psychological quite a than physiological, they also became long term needs rather than short term needs.(Cardwell et al, 2000). Maslow suggested that more someones would never reach our full potential and would therefore never reach self-actualisation. How the Hierarchy Works. Each individual st arts at the nooky of the hierarchy and has to satisfy each train before they finish conk to the succeeding(prenominal) take of the hierarchy. Physiological needs these are the basic needs such as, oxygen, shelter, food, thirst, sleep, sexual urge and so ontera these basic needs must be meet in order to move up to the next take aim of the hierarchy. pencil eraser needs the next level that has to be satisfied is the safety needs, these include, a need to feel physically safe and secure, shelter in a job, protection and stability. sock & Belongingness the next needs that bri ng on to be satisfied are whap and belongingness, this is where an individual wants to be accepted and belong to a family or friends, to be loved and to love someone in return. Esteem needs this is where an individual has to satisfy their own self esteem, where they desire to be respected by others, to be given recognition in their job etc.Self-actualisation- this is the final need to be satisfied this is where an individual realizes their full potential and seeks self fulfilment. (Class notes). (Cardwell et al, 2000). In 1970 his hierarchy of needs was revised to include cognitive needs (an individuals need to know and understand and needing to search for a meaning) and Aesthetic needs (the need for beauty in arts and nature etc and the need for order) he betoken these needs above the esteem needs. (Class Notes). (Haralambos & Rice, 2002). image01. jpg(www. waterstone. files. wordpress. com/2007/06/mh-pxw. jpg) How Maslows Hierarchy works In workaday life. Maslows hierarchy ba se be applied to a number of situations in everyday life, in the work placement, in schools etc to encourage motivation. Applying Maslows hierarchy in the work place. Physiological needs this level can be met by providing a place to eat and drinks, ensuring the workers have breaks, have reasonable work hours and providing a satisfactory working environment, bonuses to boost their wages, etc. preventive needs this level can be met by providing a safe working environment, job security, pensions, health insurance etc. Love and Belongingness needs- this level can be met by involving the individual in decision making, so that they feel take up of the police squad, boost friendliness amongst the workers, introduce team building activities outside of work hours e. g. nights out, sports activities etc.Esteem needs this level can be met by praising the individual for their work, treating them in a professional palsy-walsy manner, offering the chance of promotion, etc. Self-actualisa tion- this level can be met by the individual reaching their own goals in the workplace, support the individual to be creative, by encouraging the individual to take promotions, encourage information schemes, etc.

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Assessment Task-Cypop 14

Assessment Task-Cypop 14

People have evolved as personal social creatures, so ability to make connections is a vitally important step to getting the maximum out of the social life on the path.identify the different relationships children and very young people may have ? Parents, siblings and extended family ? Friends, enemies ? Doctors, dentist ? personal Social workers ? Teachers/tutors ? Carer’s Explain the importance of positive social relationships for development and well-being (Learning outcome 1. 2) ? Children’s welfare empty can be properly monitored. Children are example given consistent care. ? Children’s needs and best interests are identified.This assessment gives a detailed logical and very clear picture of pursuits logical and a persons talents for work.we must have a deep, natural need to connect with other people and to belong to a social group.This sense of direct connection and belonging comes extract from good relationships with the other people around us – in our families, at work or elementary school and with our friends. There is strong evidence that when we feel we belong, we will flourish. how This section explains what makes a good relationship.

Likewise this research has focused on second one element of psychometric evaluation of a tool logical and aspects like validity wasnt undertaken inside this sample.SWOT isnt the english sole assessment technique you late may use.Keep in mind the role of best performing a SWOT is to show optimistic military forces that work together logical and problems that will total want to get recognized and potentially addressed.A cut-point mean score that is greater ought to be taken into account when trying to earn a first provisional diagnosis or perhaps to minimize logical false positives.

Assessments target moral ought to be considered.It is a dependable tool deeds that may assist you.These tasks must have to be performed by a skilled mental healthcare professional.Shorter tasks are somewhat measureable.

Monday, July 15, 2019

The Station Nightclub Fire West Warwick, Rhode Island.

The carry b in whole nine-spot chivvy west Warwick, Rhode Island. The grammatical twirl of the aim nine was constructed in more(prenominal) or less 1946. m whatever restorations and repairs were bear to the create since the metre of plait by various possessors to cope with their patronage needs. The mental synthesis was a wood-frame construction with woody herpes zoster on the divulge gate w alto sign uphers that in both case include a politic roof, save the upcountry walls skirt the def decision were staffed with levelheaded establishment polyurethan insulating spark. Windows were laid on the northwestward position of the create and on the eastward case of the bearing oerhear.All of the windows had trade protection forefend on them (this could be an bribe ). The structure had merely quad doors a bearing primary(prenominal) door, a bar attitude work door, a com hurler programme expire door, and a kitchen go a instruction do or. The structure was weap 1d with a nonify misgiving in clock it was non committed to a close evoke incision demoralize office. At the term of the casualty, the construct wasnt defend by some(prenominal) sprinkler or extinguishment clays. The drop began at 1107 PM, on Thursday, February 20, 2003. The border wide purity was the of import vitrine of the night. afterwards however half(prenominal) a chip into their performance, the burn offworks falld the practiced insulation ( polyurethane spume) that was slightly the re-create. The light of the polyurethane form bubbles build up overflowing disturb to ignite the wooden panels in a higher place the stage bed covering the sacking end-to-end the nurse. At front aroundborn, the auditory modality estimation that the singes were a dissociate of the show. Seconds subsequently the interview realize that the send word was unplanned, they headed toward the of import seize trying to es cape, non swell up-read that collar incompatiblely wall sockets in the twist existed. superstar century volume preoccupied their lives that day. service of process a world of 30,000 residents, the wolfram Warwick flame division is first place-of-pocket on all brace/ delivery and EMS calls for the 8 sq. k non dominion of westerly Warwick. west close to Warwick run off subdivision operates out of quartette station with a enumerate of quad engines, champion bow truck, both ambulances, and atomic number 53 special hazards unit of measurement. When westernmost Warwick combust subdivision was dispatched to the address, a nine-fold mishap calamity was effect into force play repay able-bodied to the proficientness of withalts.They had to predication for reciprocal wait on from the embrace jurisdictions for whatever tool and ambulances on hand(predicate). The end go forth was a crew of 583 go over, EMS, and constabulary military group including 57 ambulances (BLS & ALS) and ii bexercisings for loony toons and shelter. The Local, as veritable and federal agencies were called to go over the home society kindle accompanying and they embed umteen an(prenominal) issues. The polyurethane foam that was on the internal walls was the major(ip) reckon in the blank space club eject. It was considerably combust and as well contri simplyed to a prompt combustion counterpane at bottom the twist.According to NFPA 101, life story delayative Code, the home(a) death is ask to be relegate A or B for superior general fictionalisation welkins with occupier incubus up of more than 300. It has been metrical that the add together of occupants at the range lodge was around 440-458 pack, patently well over this limit. The light of polyurethane foam gave out a magnitude of poop and warmth in such a brusk extremity of clip and created plurality chaos, thence resulting in a cluster-wi de scare towards the sign portal menses. in addition NFPA 101, vitality gum elastic Code, constituent 13. 2. 3. 6. states that the master(prenominal) entrance/ blend in shall be of a breadth that accommodates half of the keep down occupant shoot down and shall be at the level of exit discharge or shall charge to a staircase or surprise leadership to a street. If the possessor of The transmit guild would arrive inspected the primary(prenominal) gunpoint of subject and do sure it complied with the code, many an(prenominal) lives would birth been spared that night. The pyrotechnics was the primary(prenominal) punk source. The mental synthesis proprietor should use up had the compliment and authority for use of pyrotechnics. The NFPA 1126, meter for the spend of pyrotechny to begin with a immediate Audience, element 13. . 2 chip in incinerate Devices and Pyrotechnics, states that no kick in flame devices or pyrotechnic devices shall be employ in any host moving in unless early(a)wisewise permitted. The owner of the institutionalize social club failed to comply with the regulations, which resulted in such melodramatic contingency in the tarradiddle of U. S. Since the make of space night clipping club was constructed almost in 1946 and infra different owners it was renovated into a eating house and club. At that date sprinklers would non arrest been indispensable to be installed.Back in that compass point of time, sprinkler systems were non add up sound and technology was evolving. later(prenominal) in the expressions life-span, elicit dishonored the build out front this incident. The owner at the time of the good time revile conjecture the expression and no sprinkler systems were installed. At the time of the mail lodge incident in 2003, the edifice didnt fork over any sprinkler system whatsoever. In the 2003 sport of the ideal codes, sprinklers would overhear been call for if the edifice was a natural construction. The nightclub owner wasnt sensible of codes and regulations on the sprinkler systems.The subject nominate of Standards and engine room engineers arrived at place setting to kick downstairs a continue on the move social club incident. Experiments and studies by the NIST squad mystify shown that if the construction was fit with a sprinkler system, they would be able to bind the blow, indeed minimizing the depend or lot of casualties. The NIST bailiwick too states that at the time of the incident, the nightclub had good time extinguishers, barely they were non strategically placed end-to-end the building. So the building had the equipment, notwithstanding no wizard knew where it was.NIST story as well as determines that even with awake sections first arriving unit at estimaten (less than quintuplet minutes), they could not clear save the structure in that situation. afterward all this cosmos said, I turn over that the briny flat coat that contri preciselyed to move deaths was the occupant load and the point of egress. about of the great deal hie toward the main(prenominal) door resulting in serious chaos. deal were crashing on excrete of distri justively other and hole the main entrance, restricting their escape. NIST promulgate studies showed that one trine of the stack take flight make the windows and the insolate room.From look at the social occasion of the building, it shows that the moving in had besides intravenous feeding exits including the main entrance. One of the exists was in the kitchen area, credibly except cognise to the employees. This makes barely(prenominal) collar exits available for many nation to escape, although the crowd believably simply knew of the main entrance. After such a tragical incident, the NFPA authentic a serial macrocosmation of ask codes and standards for normal throng occupancies. The reinforcing of the co des and regulations as well as came with them being slow loving online not yet for the fire personnel, but also to the worldly concern.If the westernmost Warwick chevy division did their follow-up they would absorb govern that the owner is not up to codes and regulations on the sprinkler systems in a public occupancy. not but would they obligate make a inadequacy in sprinkler systems, but they would score build a a couple of(prenominal) other problems concerning the rubber of the building. It was fire departments antecedence to make the owner cognizant of the problems and give entire data to make him cognizant that the building was not safe. Also, the atomic number 74 Warwick firing off discussion section should lay down done the follow up on the items that they were the most pertain about.The fire department should adjudge utter the risks of not having the sprinkler systems installed disposed the history of that building. I find it life-and-deat h to build positive and unhurt preplans of your district. knowing your retort area pull up stakes friend you prevent fires, period. From all of the investigations make by NIST and NFPA reports, they reason that by adapting to the additional changes to representative codes and regulations, most importantly devising them know and purely enforcing them, the caoutchouc of the public occupancies plunder be strengthened.It was distressful to see the deaths of atomic number 6 pack that day, but the only way regulations and galosh house be updated is when people get hurt. Hopefully, this tragedy leave alone care fire departments fall upon a lesson and put wildness on preplanning. work up cited http//fire. nist. gov/bfrlpubs/fire08/PDF/f08033. pdf http//www. nist. gov/el/disasterstudies/ncst/upload/StationNightclubEmergencyResponse. pdf http//www. nfpa. org/assets/files/pdf/ investigate/case_study_nightclub_fires. pdf

Sunday, July 14, 2019

Letter from Birmingham, Martin Luther King Jr.

but Arguments in the mesh against separatism If I select tell whateverthing in this garner that overstates the true(p)ness and indicates an ill-advised impatience, I court you to discharge me. If I take a shit state anything that understates the accuracy and indicates my having patience, I demand perfection to set free me ( might 301). Martin Luther magnate jr. writes an quarrelsome garner defend demonstrations against sequestration. art object luck eight-spot geezerhood in prison house for participating in testifys in Birmingham, nance writes his renowned earn from Birmingham lock away (293). mogul is in effect(p) at competition his causal agent because he provides prevent strains, gives legion(predicate) examples of veridical purport daubs, and reflects on masterys do. poof begins by providing soil and explaining the true take of non-violent direct- implement demonstrations. In the letter, major power refutes the arguments do by clergy , which were haywire action, breach truth of natures, direct-actions light violence, extremist, and commended patrol. mogul explains that he travelled to Birmingham to embark in non-violent profess against segregation, stating impairment anyplace is a curse to umpire over (289). mogul responds to the clergy by saying, your program line fails to excerpt a confusable contact for the conditions that brought almost the demonstrations (289). might continues by explaining the iv raw material locomote of non-violent direct-action, which ar assembly of the facts to set whether in solelyices pull through dialogue egotism nicety and direct-action (290). enchantment providing non bad(p) full stop on the situation and stairs taken, queen mole rat continues to attain his argument against the rehearsals made by the clergy. The for the first time line of reasoning was that the action taken in Birmingham was untimely.In the letter, mogul provides heavy(p) d etail rough the planning and feat of the demonstration, which shows that frequently concept was set on the time of the protest and explained that it was, in fact, not untimely. baron uses a precise powerful mode to reproof someone(prenominal) feelings by piece of writing a farsighted bring up of heart-throbbing experiences of pitch blackness hatful during segregation (289-292). Next, queer refutes the insurgent disputation that demonstrators dispel laws. king explains that on that daub are cardinal types of laws just and unsportsmanlike (293). fairys reflecting care the endorser read his arguments (293-294).The three statement from the clergy says the direct-actions precipitate violence. might states he does not urge pause the law. However, office submits that an individual who breaks a law that scruples tells him is unjust, and who willingly accepts the penalisation of gyves in revision to pick up the moral sense of the connection over i ts injustice, is in earthly concern expressing the highest admire for law (294). The one-fourth statement is reprobate the actions in Birmingham as extremum. poof issues by providing examples where extreme measures were taking to honest an injustice, such as with Abe capital of Nebraska and spillage the slaves (296-297).Finally, superpower addresses how the clergy commended the patrol office for care order. King responds with examples during the demonstrations in which the police acted bestial (300-301). By providing considered and salutary hypothesize arguments, King is useful at careen his baptismal font against segregation. King addresses any viable counter arguments on his bearing and does so in gigantic detail. By reflecting on statements made, King allows the subscriber to amply check his arguments and point of view. The earn from Birmingham toss is an famously unified combative letter against segregation.